5.1 new pvp sets
5.1 new pvp sets



In 9.1.5 live when I highlight Riit says Helm, Shoulder, and Title.Version: 5.9 World of Warcraft Patch 5.1.0

5.1 new pvp sets

It’s not like we’re overflowing with players in this side of retail, why on earth would you make a really good incentive less of an incentive? Comment by thatmikeguy on T16:25:56-05:00 Some of them are gonna take it in stride and just push further, but let’s be honest: Most of them are instead gonna go «screw it then I’ll get a different mog» and drop PvP again. Now all the people that saw 1800 and wanted to try and push through the nightmare that is 1600-1800 to get that mog need another 150 rating, which is A LOT if you’re at your limit skill-/experiencewise. Comment by gigantique on T14:44:34-05:00Īs someone that regularly hovers around Duelist ratings (so I’m not directly affected by this) I find this change to be dumb. It's a reward for putting in a lot of time and dedication, them moving it down to 1800 helped casual players get something they shouldn't have gotten. Which honestly, if you are an 1800 rating and done person, I don't see that as "Elite" play. Back in Legion, you couldn't unlock a single piece of elite gear until you hit 2000 rating in one of the rated settings.


I really don't get why people are so upset about them changing the rating required for the full set. It's not the transmog I wanted (beyond the tabard, at least.) It's the ilvl upgrade. If the only reason you are subbing/playing the game is to get one ugly plate armor piece and nothing else, I think you should quit checking wowhead. I'm never making it to 1950 as a Frost Death Knight. Especially when u have not unlimited time because of work and such. As a starter it's so hard to get your way up. Well that freaking sucks! I guess ai will never an elite pvp set. If you support such a change,how about you support making the elite set buyable with let's say 500 marks of honor in the next xpac,for example if I want the legion season 1 paladin elite set,I can just go now in shadowlands and buy it for 500 marks of honor. Pvp was already unfriendly enough for new players and this just makes it more so,sure they just added only 150 rating for the full set,but keep in mind that after you hit 1.6 the rating tanks and you barely get 10 per win,if you can win,if you don't play a meta spec/comp,your chances of getting this is only if you do a wallet diff and buy a boost and retail is already filled with boosters,especially in pvp. Really bad change,and for people that somehow try to defend this saying "the mythic version of a set of pve is as hard and so should be the pvp one too",did you know that you can solo mythics in 2 xpac,like for example if I want the nighthold mythic pala set,which I already have for example,I can just go there now and solo everything,can I do the same with the elite pvp set?No. Guess i just won't pvp for the 1800 elite transmog anymore, 1950 is more of a investment then im willing to put in shame, that was the only thing bringing me back to the game Comment by Tibster on T02:59:29-05:00 true to form Blizzard thanks for reminding me how much you hate us. Sneaking this in at the last minute, a negative change that increases boosting and makes transmog less accessible. You know, all the positive stuff lately and all the QoL I had almost forgotten the sneaky and sinister side of Blizzard with contempt for their player base. PvP Changes with Patch 9.1.5 - Gearing, Titles, Group Finderĭid you enjoy this news article? Receive instant notifications when the latest news is published through the Wowhead Discord Webhook and join the community with Wowhead's Discord Server, Twitter, and Facebook.

5.1 new pvp sets

Learn more about PvP changes in Patch 9.1.5 in our Patch 9.1.5 PvP Changes Preview.

5.1 new pvp sets

Under the new system, you'd need to reach 1950 instead. The only down-side of this new approach is that, currently, you finish the Elite transmog set by reaching 1800 rating. Below you can see how the current rewards are spread. This updated list of breakpoints are aligned with the other PvP changes coming with 9.1.5, which increase the granularity of rewards and upgrades. While we can't have confirmation until the patch goes live, the distribution is looking like this in the game data: While looking at data from Patch 9.1.5, we've observed that, together with the changes to PvP titles and gearing, the breakpoints for obtaining the Elite PvP transmog pieces is changing with the new patch.

5.1 new pvp sets